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SiGNUM Project

We specialize in the integration and implementation of building automation and audiovisual systems

Lets meet


New technologies are our everyday life. We design, deliver and implement solutions tailored to your needs

Our services


Our work consists in combining elements into complex systems that ensure safety, comfort and modernity

Offer for you


Creativity is our asset. We work with architects, designers and educators to create multimedia installations

Implementation gallery


We are the creative team, the team of people who create great concepts and designs for modern storytelling


About US

We are the creative team, the team of people who create great concepts and designs for modern storytelling for every thematic venues and challenges in Poland and other countries.

Our experience from various areas and industries filled with fresh and innovative approach to the space and interiors results in unique and original ideas, very different perspective in comparison to the standard ways of expression and – what is most important – integrate them into the story and scenario where You are part of it and totally amazed like You were inside of it.


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Wspólnie znajdziemy najlepszy sposób na przyszłość!

(+48) 123 789 795
Zadzwoń →
Napisz →
Kraków / ul. Ciepłownicza 20
Odwiedź nas →

Signum Project Sp. z o.o. / ul.Ciepłownicza 20, 31-574 Kraków / NIP: 6762461777 / REGON: 122765930 / KRS: 0000457111
Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa – Śródmieścia w Krakowie Wydział XI KRS. Kapitał zakładowy: 60 000,00 zł wniesiony w całości

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